Solutions for institutional investors

Unlock the full potential of your alternative investments
with specialized AI

Accelex is a cloud-based solution for data management and portfolio analytics.

  • Automate and accelerate your data acquisition process  
  • Increase reliability and transparency of your data
  • Grow the value of your data asset – gain deeper insights as you build up data over time
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Unlike other vendors, Accelex doesn’t use cumbersome templates, or black-box generic AI. Instead, we harness the power of specialized AI, focused on private markets — with full human audit and control.
Phillip Mortimer, CTO and Chief Scientist, Accelex

Benefits and features

  • Automated portfolio transparency
    Our proprietary AI technology specializes in the complexities and security requirements of private markets data.

    We automate processing of GP performance reports, and transform complex performance and investment data into actionable insights.

    This allows you to see underlying portfolio asset dynamics with unmatched clarity.

    Our clients use Accelex to enable effective risk management, support their investment hypotheses, and to help assess manager valuations.

  • Simplified
    fund accounting
    Accelex ensures your financial reports can be delivered fast, reliably, and with the highest level of detail.

    When accuracy and timeliness are critical, our automation tools streamline the flow and extraction of accounting and cashflow data, down to the most granular level provided by fund managers.

  • Real-time portfolio monitoring
    Accelex's portfolio monitoring platform delivers an unprecedented level of transparency, insight and auditability.

    It allows you to track performance and risk of your investments at any level, from portfolio to commitments to underlying companies. You have full and immediate visibility of the source for every data point.

  • Unmatched
    secondaries pricing
    Accelex offers fast and direct access to the data you need for due diligence

    You can produce portfolio valuations, or pricing of secondaries deals faster and more accurately than ever before.

  • Document flow
    automation and
    Accelex automates document acquisition from a multitude of sources. We use our proprietary AI to intelligently categorize and label your documents.

    You can track document delivery across your fund operations and route documents to relevant workflows and teams.

    This reduces potential for error and frees up valuable time for your team.

  • Seamless integration
    with existing tools
    Accelex understands the value of your existing technology ecosystem.

    We seamlessly integrate with leading institutional investor platforms –from investor portals to PMS and 3rd party data analytics.

    This ensures your preferred workflows are supported, and your existing solutions are supplied with highest quality data.

How we deliver customer success 

for institutional investors

We know how complex the needs of large institutional investment organizations can be. Our commitment is to deliver and support a successful and long-term solution to your business requirements.

This is why our client success team establishes a close working relationship with each and every client. We implement a highly agile process of discovery workshops, onboarding, hands-on training and ongoing support.

Depending on client needs and data requirements, we have successfully completed implementation and onboarding projects in as little as 4-6 weeks.

Ready to find out more?

Get in touch today to see a demo of the platform, or just for an initial conversation about how we make Accelex work for institutional investors.
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“Our focus is providing innovative investment solutions and competent advice to help institutional investors build a sustainable and successful investment strategy.

With Accelex’s cutting-edge technology solutions we can focus our efforts on delivering exactly this, without the need for the highly manual process of data extraction, analytics and reporting”.
Christian Schnabel
Managing Director
Golding Capital Partners

Ready to find out more?
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