Trusted by leading investors and service providers
Trusted by: AIMCo, Northern Trust, Universal Investment, Amundi technology

Data extraction for private markets documents, powered by AI

Stop extracting investment data manually, and achieve game-changing efficiency gains with our specialized AI-driven process.

Some of our clients saw an 80% reduction in processing time.
Accelex's cutting-edge technology also enables investors and servicers to retrieve richer, more accurate and complete metrics.


  • Automated and intelligent data extraction from multiple sources
  • Seamless identification, parsing and data validation
document data extraction →
AI-based data extraction tool for Private Markets
Portfolio performance and exposure analytics for private markets

Portfolio analytics for alts investments

Make investment decisions with greater clarity and confidence.

Accelex's proprietary technology offers a richer, more complete picture of your alternative investment portfolio. This allows you to focus on generating returns and business growth.

View performance and look through to direct and indirect investments in near real time, as documents are delivered from general partners. Get answers to the questions that matter most, faster than ever.


  • Analyze performance and look through to direct and indirect investments in real time
  • Compare performance of funds and underlying assets by cohorts
  • Understand your entire investment structure in a few clicks to get actionable insights
Portfolio analytics for alternative assets →

Document management

Integrate and manage document flows for your alts investment portfolios.

Accelex automates your manual access to investor portals and monitors the process 24/7, so that you never miss a time sensitive document.
Our proprietary AI then automatically tags and organizes incoming documents according to your workflow.


  • Integrate private investment data directly into back and front-office systems
  • Streamline document acquisition processes across many sources
  • Export data in customizable formats, facilitating scalability and workflow efficiency
Automated document management →
Monitor document flow for alternative investment funds

Our clients

Accelex adds digitization, scale, quality and full auditability, complementing other measures in place, to get seamless access to investment data — historically a mostly manual process”
Ruud Wilders, Principal, Private Markets Operations at LGT Capital Partners
Some of our private market clients: AIMCo, Amundi, Golding, Northern Trust, Quadrille, Trans Canada Capital, Universal Investment
We are trusted by top-tier alternative investment firms across the US, Canada, Europe and the Middle East
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